About the auction


►Auction generally refers to auction. It refers to the method of buying and selling specific items or property rights to the highest bidder in the form of public bidding.


►There is a fixed amount for each drop price increase, and the price needs to be increased one by one according to the catalog regulations of the auction organization. Each price increase is equivalent to a new round of bidding.




In the auction, it has been confirmed that openness, fairness, impartiality, and good faith are the basic principles that must be observed in auction activities.



►Auction features


Three basic characteristics (or basic conditions) of an auction:


1. The auction must have more than two buyers


 2. Auction prices must constantly change


 3. Auctions must be open to competition





►Auction process


 1. Open an account and register as a member


   Members use the recommended method to open an account and register. Real-name registration is required to open an account, but there is no need to upload an ID card.


 2. Activate account

There must be sufficient funds in the account before each auction.



Auctions start at 3 different times each day Monday through Saturday and end within 60 minutes. Similar to the simple process of online shopping, click-pay-confirm resale.


4. Resale

    After the other party confirms payment, if you do not choose to receive the goods, you can choose to resell the goods to obtain income. The income and principal will be credited the next day.